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Its main mission is to contribute to the conservation of Amazonian biodiversity.


In 2003, the indigenous communities that comprise the basin of the Matamata creek made the decision not to continue to hunt endangered species of animals, including explicitly large primates. It was the basis from which the idea of ​​the house of animals was born.

MOCAGUA, CORPOAMAZONIA and the AMACAYACU NATURAL PARK and the Maikuchiga Foundation joined forces since 2005 in a plan to take good care of, rehabilitate and release confiscated animals, especially primates and birds, and when appropriate, reintegrate them into wild populations. The special challenge of this program is to link these specific cases of humanitarian emergency to the general and important topics of biological conservation, education and research.

The general objectives of Maikuchiga are to discourage the commercialization of wildlife, to manage a task whose function is the reception, care, rehabilitation and, when appropriate, release of animals that have been damaged or confiscated by government authorities, develop programs and materials for education regional environmental, develop programs and interpretive materials of the Amazonian biodiversity, contribute to participatory participation based on traditional and scientific knowledge, contribute to the training of people from regional communities, contribute to the development of community processes that promote fair, sustainable management and concerted natural resources, contribute to the integration of fine arts and cultural and biological conservation, manage relationships with all those natural, national or foreign juridical persons, who in accordance with the objectives of the Foundation, can provide advisory, collaboration and support and make agreements with public and private entities, national or foreign.



MAIKUCHIGA, was founded on September 12, 2006 by Sara Bennett, Leoncio Sánchez and Jhon  Vázquez, current General Director, a little later Saúl Mendoza.

For more than 10 years, Maikuchiga has achieved community work with a large part of the population of Mocagua, initially in conservation practices and later in the provision of ecotourism services in the area.
This has been achieved because a conservation program for monkeys was proposed, as they were threatened species, as an economic alternative based on the processes, the hunting of them, guaranteeing a sustainable well-being for the whole community.
Due to his career and work, Maikuchiga becomes a precedent for entrepreneurship, being the first to attract tourism to the community, which was previously very scarce, improving the quality of life of the inhabitants, as well as a pioneer community in conservation processes. unique in the area.

... The community that protects its Fauna and flora for the future. Vásquez J 2018.

Amazon tour

© 2016 by Amazon tour

Tour Operators.

Elvis Ordóñez, Project Manager & Webmaster.

Street 23 # 2E-16

Leticia, Amazonas.

Cel. (+57) 3143660349 / 3134262976 / 3115471622


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Tour Operators

Amazon tour, Specialized excursions in Leticia, Colombia. Amazon tour is a tourism operator agency specialized in jungle. It offers personalized service.
Amazon tour, Specialized excursions in Leticia, Colombia. Amazon tour is a tourism operator agency specialized in jungle. It offers personalized service.
Amazon tour, Specialized excursions in Leticia, Colombia. Amazon tour is a tourism operator agency specialized in jungle. It offers personalized service.
Travel And Hospitality Award Winner for Amazon tour

Amazon tour, with national tourism registry N °. 26008, aware of the importance of maintaining a sustainable tourism development, and assumed the principles adopted specifically in Sectorial Technical Standard NTS-TS 003, Amazon tour, is subject to the liability regime established by Law 300 of 1996 and Decrees 1075 of 1997. It is also committed to compliance with articles 16 and 17 of Law 679 of 2001 that regulate the protection of minors against exploitation and sexual violence. In our sale process we comply with decrees No. 53 of January 18, 2002 and 2438 of 2010. We are committed to the conservation of the environment and natural resources as provided in Law 99 of 1993 and Decree 1608 of 1978 ; We also accept the provisions of Law 23 of 1973 on the protection and conservation of wildlife; Law 17 of 1981 on the protection of flora and fauna; Law 103 of 1931, which promotes the conservation of archaeological monuments and / or cultural heritage. The requirements demanded in Decree 4000 of 2004. Concerning the Control of Foreigners. Law 1335 of 2009 Antitabaco; with the non-discrimination and exclusion of vulnerable populations and the special requirements for the protection of personal data of minors (children and adolescents) and of the adults who provide their personal data that are included in our databases, with tourist purposes or others, preserving its protection, conservation and guaranteeing its responsible and safe use, trying to protect the right to privacy and protection of your personal information and all that is provided through the registration forms in the hotel and also in the website before and after the validity of the decree and the law. We accept the general provisions for the protection of personal data and other regulations regulated in Statutory Law 1581 of 2012 and Regulatory Decree 1377 of 2013. We invite you to make part of our environmental commitment to the efficient use of water and energy, as well as of the integral management of solid waste and the commitment for its reduction, reuse and recycling. PRINT ONLY IF NECESSARY. DO IT WHEN POSSIBLE USE RECYCLABLE PAPER. PROTECT THE PLANET.



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