How to get to Leticia?
Leticia is the starting point for all the experiences and adventures with Amazon tour in the Colombian Amazon. Come and visit with us the destination three borders, capital of peace, biodiversity and cultural diversity.
Although no highway connects Leticia, with the interior of Colombia, it is easily accessible by air, with daily flights from Bogotá on Latan Colombia, and Avianca. Arriving at the International Airport Alfredo Vásquez Cobo de Leticia with a flight duration of one hour and forty-five minutes.
Fluvial Route
You can reach Leticia, from Iquitos (Peru) by the great river. There are two main modalities: The rapids and the recesses. In a fast, from Iquitos you can reach Leticia in about twelve hours and in recreation 2 nights / 1 day.
To Leticia from Manaus the trip will last around thirty-six hours by speedboat and by boat for 5 days.

Leticia, Amazonas
The Department of the Amazon is located in the southern part of the country. It has an area of ​​109,665 km2, which represents 9.6% of the national territory and 27.2% of the Colombian Amazon. It limits by the North with the department of Caquetá and the Apaporis river, that separates it of the department of the Vaupés; on the East with the Republic of Brazil; on the south with the Putumayo and Amazon rivers, which separates it from the Republic of Peru and on the west with the Republic of Peru, the Republic of Ecuador and the department of Putumayo.
Leticia is the capital of the department of Amazonas. It is located in the extreme south of Colombia, bounded in an imaginary way with Brazil and the Amazon River is the natural border with Peru. It has an urban population of 27,000 inhabitants.
Although Leticia is not one of the most populated cities in the extreme south of Colombia, its geographical location makes it one of the most important capitals, since we are the development center of the Department of the Amazon, the main entrance of Colombia through the Amazon River. , it is for this important way of communication and commerce, where an important commercial exchange takes place between Peru, Brazil and Colombia in a good relationship of borders.
Puerto Nariño
It is the second municipality of the department of Amazonas. It is located on the banks of the Loretoyacú River, 87 km from Leticia.
Puerto Nariño has a total length of 1876 km. It limits to the north with the Corregimiento of Tarapacá, to the south with the Amazon River and Peru, to the west with Peru and to the east with Leticia. Within its jurisdiction is the lakes of Tarapoto, natural aquarium of the Pink Dolphin.
Its economy is based on ecotourism, fishing and the cultivation of pancoger.
Puerto Nariño is the first tourist destination in Colombia with a seal of tourist quality and sustainability policy. Puerto Nariño in the Colombian Amazon is a destination that is positioned in the tourist scenario for its cultural and natural diversity. It is a community with a sense of belonging to our heritage, committed to the social and economic development of all. In Puerto Nariño we recognize that tourism enables the interaction between cultures and their natural environment, generates spaces that promote productive activities and welfare of the receiving community in the economic, social and cultural.
The climate of the Amazon is characterized by high temperatures and frequent rains. The region is located throughout the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). The months of December to May present the highest rainfall values, with a monomodal rainfall regime; the relative humidity of the air is high and the barometric pressure drops.
The temperature does not suffer large variations during the year, since it has a constant average of 28.4 ºC that oscillates between a maximum average of 32.0 ºC and 25.5 ºC as a minimum average. The precipitation varies between 3,000 mm per year.
Level of the Amazon River
The level of the Amazon River varies throughout the year, markedly we have two seasons high waters and low waters with differences 10 to 12 meters, between the two seasons and extreme increases up to 14 meters. Rainfall in the basin and thaw in the Andes add water to the tributaries of the Amazon, the melting of water increases the level of the great river, and during the months of November to March (waters in ascent) the landscape of islands and the banks of the Amazon River and the whole alluvial plain flood and remain waterlogged during the months of April and May (high waters) then the rains cease, there is less precipitation and the level of the river low (waters in descent) leaving the islands uncovered and the sandy terraces along the river and its tributaries, during the months of August and October (low waters), in the dry season, beaches are formed, worthy of appreciation and enjoyment.